Congratulations you are pregnant!

This is an exciting time for both, you and your partner. In a few months there will be amazing changes in your family life. The childbirth class will guide you together through the pregnancy, birth and the first time with the new baby. This course is designed to provide the opportunity to explore a wide range of issues surrounding pregnancy, labour.

For the mother, take your time to enjoy the discoveries of pregnancy and the richness that birth can bring to your life as a woman. For the partner, support and protect the mother during the pregnancy, the birth and in the early weeks after birth. The ideas in this course will help you get started and show you how you can be actively involved. The class also helps you to find your way in having a baby in the Netherlands. It will show you how the Dutch maternity care system works and will make you feel safe and “at home”.

Hands on preganant belly

Childbirth Class Irma helps pregnant couples from abroad with everything related to pregnancy in the Netherlands

Full class

6 evening sessions of 2 hours

Mini class

4 evening sessions of 2 hours

Private class

1 or 2 sessions during the day of 2 hours

Childbirth is a team effort

Hands on preganant belly

The class helps you prepare for the birth of your baby in an informative and practical way. During the course you will learn and practice different birthing techniques as well as all the what's and why's about pregnancy and labour. Many midwives and obstetricians throughout the Eindhoven area support and recommend my class. My main goal is to give you and your baby the best start possible. The classes are intended for both the mother and her partner and will teach you how to do this: together as a team.

My courses are a wonderful mix of couples from all over the world and will give you a really good opportunity to get to know other parents-to-be in the area. Together, you will be able to discuss and learn from each other.


"Irma is absolutely amazing! Each class was incredibly informative and she is not afraid to tell you exactly how it is. She is a very warm, kind and caring person and will answer all your questions. Even though I will be a first time mom, I now feel very calm, relaxed and ready to go into labour. My husband is also equipped with all the tools he need to be able to support me during the process. Thank you Irma - we enjoyed every second of it."

Ankie Pelser -

"I recommend Irma's class not just for childbirth insights but also to understand the medical system in the Netherlands. Knowledge is empowering. Irma is great in sharing and encouraging her students to understand and apply that knowledge."

Andreea Flutur -

"I loved the classes and Irma's energy, she makes everything seem uncomplicated and easy to understand. It's also an amazing way to have partners more involved in the pregnancy and birthing process. I used the breathing/pushing techniques that Irma taught us and even the doctor was impressed at how well the pushing phase of labor went and was surprised that this was my first child. Can't recommend Irma enough to anyone having a child, specially if it's your first!"

Joana Pacheco -

"We followed the English spoken course and were very happy to have found Irma's Childbirth Class. Irma is very empathetic and has a lot of experience. With her hospitality and comfortable atmosphere she really makes you feel at home. The international group was very open and social to share experiences and tips. We liked the lessons a lot because of the good balance between helpful information, breathing techniques and anecdotes with a great sense of humor in the right situation. Thanks to these lessons me and my partner feel very well prepared to welcome our baby. We can definitely recommend Irma's classes!"

Carolin Wach -

"Irma is really nice and has a lot of experience and knowledge to share. The class is in a very informal setting and interactive. We loved it and we really enjoyed being able to share with other couples what was going on during the pregnancy! Highly recommended!"

Tommaso Pavolini -

"We were in the April '23 English group. The atmosphere was really nice and I feel a lot better prepared. I really liked how Irma didn't only focus on technicalities but also mental preparation. She gave very comprehensive information and made me less scared of giving birth."

Rita Kiss -

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