Frequently asked questions

The childbirth class helps you prepare for the birth of your baby in an informative and practical way. During the course you will learn and practice different birthing techniques as well as all the what's and why's about pregnancy and labor. The coaching role of the partner throughout the birth is one of the main focuses.
The class is at my home in our living room located at the Van Myerlestraat 2, in Helmond (very close to Eindhoven). This is a nice environment and safe place to follow a class. You will feel at home!
If the regular Dutch Samen Bevallen course is not an option for you because you don't speak or understand Dutch fluently (or you prefer to follow an English class), it is possible to follow a complete English course.
If you are admitted to the hospital you can receive a partial refund, based on the amount of classes you attended.
It is often possible to get the cost of the classes (partially) reimbursed by the Dutch health insurance. I would recommend that you check if your insurance company can reimburse your course fee. Therefore it is important to mention I am a certified Samen Bevallen childbirth class teacher. I will provide an invoice for the course, and you can send this to your insurance company after you have completed the course.
In case there is no possibility to join one lesson, I help you with one extra hour during day time.

Neeltje Elizabeth

Pregnancy relaxing massage for moms to be or new moms.

+31 6 163 127 36
Because you are together in labour. It is very useful to have a partner to lean on when you are in labour and that the partner knows the ins and outs to help in the birth process. You can support her and know what to expect!
  • Because you are becoming new parents and it's nice to have one evening a week to prepare yourselves and reflect about pregnancy and birth.
  • Because you know more together
  • Because the birth of your baby is a very beautiful moment in life for both of you
  • Because its more then a puffing class
  • Understand how the Dutch system works
  • Understand the physiological process of birth
  • Feel confident that you have tools that will help the normal birth process along
  • Understand how hormones can be your friend in labour
  • Feel comfortable with a range of positions you can use during labour
  • Identified your fears and learn how to reduce your anxiety about and during birth
  • Learn some massage tools for the partner to use during labour
  • Learn some tips on how to optimise the golden 1st hour of your baby’s life
  • Be able to start writing a birth plan
  • Know when to go to the hospital
  • Know your options for a range of coping strategies and medical pain relief
  • Know how to reduce stress during labour
  • Identify and practice your preferred breathing techniques
  • Get informed about the various interventions that can be offered during birth and what to expect when they are necessary
  • Feel equipped to understand decisions that need to be made and discuss these decisions with your care provider about Acquire tools the birth partner can use to support their partner through labour or a ceasarean birth
  • Understand when a ceasarean birth for your baby might be medically indicated
  • Understand how induction works and how to optimize labour when induction is necessary
You can register to follow a mini or full class before 25 weeks. When you are close to your due date (around 35 weeks) it's possible to have a private class in the morning hours. You can register by phone or by filling out the registration form.
It is more helpful to join together but if there is no possibility because the partner is abroad you can join alone or bring a relative or a friend! But remember my class is meant for two!
Yes there is, the name is Samen Bevallen. This is their website:

Eindhoven Samen Bevallen mail:
You can join the class with a coach, a sister, a friend, or someone which will support and be there during labor.
Baby feet